About Me

My name is Sooyoung Jeon and I am a second year M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering student at The Ohio State University, advised by Prof. Wei-Lun (Harry) Chao. I am broadly interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, and their application to autonomous driving.

Previously, I received my B.S. degree from The Ohio State University.


Transfer Your Perspective: Controllable 3D Generation from Any Viewpoint in a Driving Scene
Tai-Yu Pan, Sooyoung Jeon, Mengdi Fan, Jinsu Yoo, Zhenyang Feng, Mark Campbell, Kilian Q Weinberger, Bharath Hariharan, Wei-Lun Chao
CVPR 2025
[paper] [arXiv]
An Exploratory Journey in Extremely Sparse LiDAR-Guided Stereo Through the Lens of Depth Pre-Fill
Jinsu Yoo, Sooyoung Jeon, Tai-Yu Pan, Wei-Lun Chao


Perception System in SAE AutoDrive Competition II - Year 4
Sooyoung Jeon, Buckeye Autodrive
As a Perception Team Lead
[team site] [SAE]